A “big problem” entertainment scenario I can picture is one I know all too well! You’re planning an upcoming evening event, be it a wedding, festival, birthday, and you really want to include something different to add that special touch, that impact to really impress your guests. There is a band or music organised, some lovely decorations and the usual checklist of party requirements, but “what can I do to really set this apart and leave my guests inspired?”
There is a very plain and simple solution here folks, hire yourself a fire dancer! Combining a passion and background in dance and music, Rosie's fluid and graceful movement provides a truly mesmerising fire performance, tailored specially to your individual needs. Apparatus such as Palm Torches, Fire Fans, Poi, Staff and Snakes are intricately woven to leave the audience spellbound.
Fire dancing, LED shows and day performances feature the collaboration of costuming, music and dance inspired by the magic and majesty of fire and sparked with custom designed soundscapes to suit your event. Solo and roving performances are available as well as non-fire day performances.